Sunday, June 19, 2011


First off I have decided that posting everyday is too hard, seeing as sometimes I forget I even have a blog due to my random hectic life. So I intend to post weekly.
Second today was kicked off by my father throwing open my door at 6am to say there's a tornado warning. The tornado quickly passed and we didn't go anywhere or seek shelter....>.<. I then proceeded to give my father his fathers day card which to his delight when open has Darth Vader saying 'I am your father'. So he went back to bed and I decided to make us all pancakes. My flipping skills are improving I only messed up once out of about 20 pancakes. I ate two myself and they proved grand. So I sat around the house it being to early for me to do any writing and watched the news. >.> I was then reminded why I don't watch the news in the morning or even am up in the morning....Politics.
This has been an interesting morning...I'm going back to bed T^T

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