Sunday, June 19, 2011


First off I have decided that posting everyday is too hard, seeing as sometimes I forget I even have a blog due to my random hectic life. So I intend to post weekly.
Second today was kicked off by my father throwing open my door at 6am to say there's a tornado warning. The tornado quickly passed and we didn't go anywhere or seek shelter....>.<. I then proceeded to give my father his fathers day card which to his delight when open has Darth Vader saying 'I am your father'. So he went back to bed and I decided to make us all pancakes. My flipping skills are improving I only messed up once out of about 20 pancakes. I ate two myself and they proved grand. So I sat around the house it being to early for me to do any writing and watched the news. >.> I was then reminded why I don't watch the news in the morning or even am up in the morning....Politics.
This has been an interesting morning...I'm going back to bed T^T

Monday, June 13, 2011

June 14th

         June 14th
       1:20am /c
thoughts: pondering the world
  mood: indifferent/curious

I write to you at such a late hour(or early hour whichever way you look at it). I write to you with much on my mind. What do you ask is on this young authors mind? Well many things, many things. But let me first tell you about my day. My day began with the cease of ending of the night. I roused to use the bathroom at about 4 in the morning, which I had yet been asleep. When coming back from the bathroom I was about to get back in bed when to my utter horror a sharp stab of pain hit my foot and gasping I held it up and looked. Sure enough there was a less than 1/2 an inch long piece of glass sticking in it and it produced a currently sore wound on my foot that is likely to scar. ^^; Sorry to complain but its my foot and it hurt. Well on with my life I paid it no mind and went back to bed after fetching a band aid. I then waited for sleep to take me and when finding no such thing finally gave up on the thought of sleep at around 6 in the morning. I sat around my house for about an hour in miserable weariness until when going to pick up some papers I found a notebook that had contained important phone numbers. I then flipped through to find a number that dialed a friend whom I had not talked to since Christmas. I called him up and to me glee we had a wonderful conversation. I then walked about or sat in bed for some time of the morning and found nothing in particular to do until the phone rang and I answered to find my lovey Isaac. Had a wonderful joyous conversation with him. The day flowed smoothly and quickly and ended with talking to Isaac and laughter while eating one of my favorite of fast foods subway on the side with orange soda :D.
Later that night Britty and I talked and talked about nothing in particular but she raised some points about certain about a bit of this or that. Just everyday stuff. Stuff like nature and friends. It got me thinking to random points and random thoughts and often times when this happens the weight of my findings is a bit much no matter what the research of thought is about. Oh and The Secrets of The Immortal Nicholas Flamel:The Warlock. Book 5 I finished it and in less than two days time no less. I was surprised by the ending even though I was told some of it by my aunt. I watched family guy today and that proved while obviously stupid to still be funny. And here I sit ready to tell you so much more but only to find that my eyelids keep drooping. Oh well off to bed perhaps. Tomorrow is another day full of wonders and possibilities. Lets see what it brings.^-^

Saturday, June 11, 2011

June 12th

So today was normal. I woke up at 12c like usual. I then proceeded to eat some of the brownie's I made which turned out to be delicious. I waited around for Isaac to call which he finally did later at 8. I watched the owl movie. The Guardians of Ga'hoole. This turned out to be a great cgi animation movie with great dialog and wondrous plot...especially for owls. It would have made more sense though to be people and live action but I get where they're gearing it to kids. I then watched invader Zim that once again proved to be hilarious. I then went for a walk and listened to my mp3 simply because I was bored and there was nothing to do. I cam back to find that I was too lazy to read the shining like I'm supposed. I intend to read it later tonight. I picked up A Taste of Humanity today. I had not written on it in about a month and I found that I produced a good 5 pages in a half hour time period. I spoke to Isaac for a good hour then he decided to go to bed and that's when I called Britty and John. I have been trying to get them together, seeing as they would be good together and are in both dire need of a relationship. I think I'll work on A Taste of Humanity tomorrow and look at Destiny Bound. But I really need to be reading The Shining, as its for the summer reading project that is a grade next semester. The problem is when I am told to read something I don't want to. I may post an exert from one of the stories another time but not to night. I'm getting off here to read at least 1 chapter of The Shining. See you guys tomorrow. Bye 

First Post

Today is my first day posting. I am new to blogging and I must say I am eager to see how this plays out. So since this is my first time posting I'm going to tell you why I'm blogging, what you will see in my blogs. I am blogging to tell everyone my thoughts, ideals and dreams. I am hoping that someone, conceded as it may seem will read this^^;. Now what will you fine in this blog, you might ask?
In this blog you will find opinions about hot topics, you will find beliefs you may or may not agree with. These are my beliefs not yours, they are neither wrong nor right. If you don't like them don't read them. ^^;
You will find happenings of my daily life and my thoughts on these happenings. You will likely find teen angst and teen love. You will find my thoughts of stories and movies. You will find my stories and ideas.
I intend to blog daily. But if I am busy I may be late to post.
Hoping to have a blast with this.
See you in the future fellow bloggers and followers:D
Goodnight to all.